
Phazon Twilight Dawn

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Kenshiro123's avatar

Literature Text

Phazon Twilight: Dawn
A Nintendo Symbiote Story
By Kenshiro123
The sun slowly set upon the rolling hill in the mystic land of Hyrule. The round yellow ball of warm slowly set into the behind of the the village, behind the large stony structure that was Hyrule Castle. As the sky soon turned dark, only illuminated by the moon lit sky and small bright blue stars, a lone orange light shown from the top of the highest room of the castle. Sitting at her desk by the side of her bed,illuminated by a candle, sat the young Princess Zelda. She was quietly and diligent working on her notebook, scribbling down every last word of her previous encounter with the mysterious Twilight realm. She finally turned her head and realized that it had turn to night.
“My word!” She exclaimed “I've think that's enough for today.”
She let out a light chuckle to herself, got up from her desk, and stood up. She dusted off lavishing designed dress, with its snow white and dark plum coloring. She closed her journal and picked it up with her long royal white gloves and placed it up upon her bookshelf. With a heavy sigh, she tossed velvety brown hair back behind her and walked to the window. She leaned over the ledge, propping herself up, looking out into the starry horizon of Hyrule. She let out a small smile.
“It's good to see Hyrule normal again.” Zelda said out loud  “ No twilight beasts, no darkness, and most importantly no Gan...”
Suddenly Zelda noticed a small blue start fall out of the sky quickly.
“What the?”
Then the star abruptly fell into small yet deep thicken forest right near Hyrule Plains. Zelda panicked for a second. She paced around the room in a contemplating manor.
“This can't be from Ganondorf.  But what is that? The place guards are so few...and Link is gone  back home...sigh...”
Zelda walked to her closet, and pulled out a long, yet small,chrome sword.
“It's time to take matters into my own hands.” She said as she quietly left her room.
Usually there would be a numerous amount of guards to stop her from leaving the castle on her own, however after the last attack to the castle, there were so few, slipping by them was easy for the Princess. She quietly went to the stable at took out one of her horses and quietly road off to Hyrulian Fields, leaving the sleeping castle behind.
“Fins! Fins!”
“Ow! You don't gotta hit me! I saw something!”
“Of course you saw something, you have eyes! Keep asking dumb questions like that and I gonna get rid of em!”
“No no! I saw somethin' fall out of the sky!”
“Really, now Gibbs?”
“Yeah! It fell near the fields! Look very pretty, must be worth somethin', eh?”
“Yea, it might be...”
“Fins? Where you goin'?”
“If it is worth somethin' I am gonna take it before someone else do. Now come on an' get and if your wrong, I'll take your eyes you an' hang'em like a fish!”
“Oh I'm commin' !”
The cool night air hit the Princess Zelda as she rode gallantly through the fields. The earthen brown mare she road move swiftly as she rode farther and farther away from Hyrule Castle. She looked out into the valley trying to see if she could find what ever fell from the sky. Her sharply pointed ears twitched periodically and her hand was near her blade, ready in case of a fight. Finally she reached the deepest part of the woods, around the same area the object fell to. She looked up into the sky and small a feint gray smoke trail coming from inside the dense forest. Zelda pulled upon the reins of the horse, and the horse came to a stop.
“It's to dense for horse back.” She said to herself cautiously, “Walking from here on out.”
She took the horse's reins and tided them to branch of a near by tree. She stroked the nose of the brown horse and the horse replied back with an enthusiastic neigh before she took off into the woods with sword in hand.
The woods was deeply thicken with roots that sprawled all over the landscape, jutting from almost every inch of the landscape. Zelda found it hard to move over the roots without tripping over them. The deeper she walked into the forest, the more the forest seem to get darker, with only periodically small cracks of moonlit shining threw the leafy canopy. Suddenly, Zelda's dress was snagged on a root. She tried to take it out but ended up falling fall on the ground.
Zelda landed on the ground hard, luckily the part she landed on was not as thickly rooted as the rest of the woods. She shook her head, trying to recover, and pushed her self back up. When she stood up she found that her once lavishly detailed dress was now mudded and  filled with small tears.
“Great...” She said in a sarcastic tone.
Zelda was dusting herself of when she looked up and saw a small grotto where the moon was shining in. As Zelda approached closer to the grotto, she faintly smell a smoky aroma, and saw an unnaturally large creator in the middle of the grotto.
“This must be it...” Zelda said with fascination.
She walked closer to the creator, and peered inside. Embedded deeply in the dirt was a strange  small glass container. Zelda picked up the container, and brushed off the dirt that was on it. It was a very alien looking object, with some sort of foreign symbols on the top and bottom that appeared to be written the same way. In fact the top and bottom were made of a heavy iron like substance. The middle part of the container looked like it was supposed to be clear, but was foggy and looked it it was singed. However, the most noticeable part of the the object was a large crack that ran down the middle, not large enough for anything to escape from, or so it appeared.
“What in the world it this?” Zelda asked “Where in Hyrule did you come fro...”
Suddenly, the bushes began to rattle with movement. Zelda motioned to grab her sword then realized that she had dropped when she fell down. Unarmed, Zelda panicked, quickly turning her head to look for away out of the forest. The rattling of the bushes continues, reverberating around the trees,   concealing its origin Suddenly, a large dark shadowy substance came up from behind her, and knocked her to the ground. Zelda let out loud, shrill cry of fear as she hit the ground hard, with her eyes shut tightly. When she opened them, she saw the shadowy substance was on her feet, and was traveling up her tattered dress quickly. Zelda reached down and remove the shadowy substance, but she could not get it off.
“What is this stuff?”  Zelda asked in a panicky tone “It's like some sort of liquid...”
It continued to flow up her dress, dissolving it. Soon, almost all of Zelda's legs were covered by the substance. She continued to struggle to remove the substance but eventually ran out of energy to continue the fight. Zelda began to suddenly to feel really relaxed, as if she just woke up from a good nights sleep. Free from the struggle put up by Zelda, the substance began quickly continue to cover all of Zelda. It went in between her hips, which made Zelda quickly blushed.
“Oh my...” She said out of embarrassment.
Zelda remained calm, as the substance covered her stomach and over her chest.
“Mmmm...that feels pretty good...”
The substance covered up her arms and then headed towards neck. The substance raced up her neck, started to cover her face, covering her mouth and chin, making them completely smooth. The substance quickly covered her nose and then finally over her eyes, blinding her. After a few seconds had passed, Zelda felt no movement from the substance. Slowly, she started to see again, albeit it was very foggy. She slowly picked herself off of the ground, and shook her head a couple of times, hoping to regain her vision completely. Finally, Zelda started to see clearly again. Dazed and confused, she walked herself over to a small pond of water, right near the creator made by the object. She looked down at herself and was stunned at the reflection gazing back at her. She was now covered in head to toe in a dark purple-ish colored skin. Only her eyes, which sported two large white tear dropped shape designs, were not completely colored in the dark purple coating.
“What happened to me?” She said aloud to herself.
She took her hands and placed them on her face, still looking at her face. Suddenly, the strange “mask” on her face began to recede into her skin, showing her normal face. Zelda let out a large gasp in disbelief.
“This can't be happening?! I must be dreaming!? Wake up! Wake UP!”
Zelda finally slumped down on a near by tree and shook her head.
“This isn't a dream,” she said bluntly.
Suddenly, Zelda could hear voices coming from deep within the forest. She felt the urge to run over and find out what was causing the voices. She leaped up and darted through the densely thicken forest with ease.
“My word!”  She exclaimed “Whatever this stuff is, I feel like I have so much energy...”
Zelda let a small giggle out, as she continued to move through the forest.
Finally, after a few minutes, she had reached where the voices were coming from and was shocked at what she saw. A strange large insect like creature, with toxic green glowing eyes and hazy brown wings, standing in front of two men. A fat man, with a small black patch of hair on his head and  dusty clothing, was kneeling before the creature, while tall skinny bald man, wearing the same type of dusty clothing, seemed to be pleading to the creature.
“I...I told youze once. We don't know anything? Do ya Gibbs?”
“Uh-huh, we don't know anything bout whatcha talkin' bout! Honestly!”
“LIARS! TELL ME WERE IS JB-149 IS RIGHT NOW OR I WILL KILL YOU!!” The creature barked at the two men, then brandishing his weapon.
“Grr...that's it...” Zelda said to herself. “I will not watch as my people are killed my monsters, we have already suffered enough...”
An intense light began to shine from Zelda as the “mask” from the substance began to coat her face once again.
Then, from out of the light, an single arrow of light shot right out and pierced the creature through the shoulder blade.
The creature was thrown backward and was pinned on to a tree, slamming its head hard, and quickly closing his eyes. The insect like creature laid pined to the tree, as the light shining from Zelda slowly diminished. Zelda slowly revealed herself to the two dumbstruck villagers.
“Your safe now.” She said in a warm comforting voice.
“Yea, Stubbs...we...should be gonin' now...”
The two men stumbled over each other as they ran off deep into the woods, turning their heads back to look at the strange feminine creature.
“Hmm...was is it something I said?” Zelda said to herself letting out a tiny giggle.
Suddenly Zelda could see a large, green glowing light coming from behind her. She quickly turned to find the insect creature had his barrel of his weapon pointing directly at her head. Energy from the weapon was massing so quickly, that Zelda could not dodge it. She held her hands up to shield herself from the impending attack, when suddenly...
A blue blast flew pass Zelda and hit the creature, instantaneously  disintegrate it. Zelda put down her arms and turned around to see a figure walking towards her.
“Whomever you are, I thank you for your...”
The figure shot Zelda directly in her stomach, knocking of her feet. She let out a shrill cry in shock. The blast hit Zelda so hard, that it she was drifting in and out of conscience. She could barely make out that mysterious figure, though she could make that the figure had some sort of a shiny armor, and was doing something to one of her cannon...She held out her hand, trying to stop the figure from firing again.
The shiny figure stood above the downed Zelda, the moon reflecting of the figure's armor. With another might blast, shot Zelda directly in the naval. The blast was so strong, it knocked Zelda completely out the strange “costume” she was in. The “costume” fell off of Zelda and merged into a large, liquid-like, living mass. The mored figure shot at the substance, which stunned it, and scooped it up in a glass container. Zelda was so worn out from the blast that she could not pick herself of the ground. Finally, she laid her head down, and closed her eyes.
“My people,” Zelda said quietly, “...I've failed you.”
With that Zelda closed her eyes, drifting into an unconscious state. The shiny armored figure grasped the nude limp body before her and walked off deeper into the dark forest...
Its been awhile since I've done a symbiote story (not that a bad thing though). I've been having this idea for awhile, college just got in the way to finish it. Anyway, enjoy. :D

Zelda is property of Nintendo.
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manga-manX's avatar
I figured something like this was SSB related... (read pt.2 of this story first.. ^^;) but, good stuff nonetheless..